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Domestic Violence Information

Domestic Violence is a pattern of coercive behavior used by one person to gain power and control over another in an intimate or familial relationship. 


Types of abuse include:

Physical Abuse-

An intentional but unwanted physical contact.  Physical abuse can lead to injury and, in extreme cases, death. 

Examples of physical abuse include:

  • Punching, kicking, hitting, biting, pushing

  • Choking/strangling

  • Pulling hair or pulling/grabbing at clothing

  • Throwing objects

  • Using guns, knives or weapons to threaten or injure

Emotional Abuse-

Emotional or psychological abuse is one tactic used by abusers to control their victims.  The effects of emotional abuse can also lead a victim to falsely believe that their abuse will change.  It can also make them question their own self-worth, making safety planning more difficult. 

Abusers may exert emotional abuse on their victims in a number of ways, including:

  • Put downs and name calling

  • Humiliating them in front of others

  • Making them feel guilty or blaming them for the abuse

  • Behaviors and comments to erode their self-esteem

  • Playing mind games

Financial Abuse-

Financial abuse creates intentioned dependence on an abuser and serves to entrap a victim in the relationship. 

Some forms of financial abuse include:

  • Giving an allowance

  • Not letting the victim have their money

  • Hiding family assets

  • Running up debt

  • Interfering with employment

  • Ruining credit


Stalking involves following someone in a way that caused them to feel fearful or emotionally distressed. 

Stalkers may use any of the following tactics against their victims:

  • Following them; showing up at their workplace

  • Sending unwanted gifts, mail, e-mails, or text messages

  • Monitoring phone calls or computer usage

  • Posting information or spreading rumors about them on the internet

  • Using technology such as GPS or hidden cameras to track them

Common Signs of Abuse-

  • Name calling or demeaning comments

  • Frequent phone calls or texts

  • Threatens to harm or kill you, your pet(s), or family members

  • Blames you for the abusive behavior; does not take responsibility for actions

  • Prevents you from spending time with family or friends and from enjoying hobbies or other activities

  • Damages your credit by exceeding limits, purposely not paying bills, etc; may restrict your access to financial resources


According to the CDC 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced severe physical violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime.

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“I gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which I must stop and look fear in the face. I say to myself, “I’ve lived though this and can take the next thing that comes along.”
We must do the things we think we cannot do, if we wish to grow and really live life.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

The Women's Center Inc.

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