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Professional Workshops

Our agency offers a variety of professional workshops for law enforcement officers, health care, social services, business professionals, etc.


Additional workshops on a variety of topics are available. All programming unless otherwise noted is offered at no cost.


*only training that requires a fee


For more information contact The Women’s Center, Inc. at (570)-784-6632.


Human Trafficking


Screening and Responding to Domestic Violence  


Medical Documentation of Domestic Violence


*Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse


Domestic Violence and Traumatic Brain Injury


Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Child Abuse


The Women’s Center, Inc. Services and Program


Protection from Abuse Orders


Intimate Partner Violence 101


Sexual Assault 101


Workplace Violence



The Women's Center Inc.

Contact The Women’s Center, Inc. at 570-784-6632

Monday through Friday,

9AM-5PM, or call our 24-hour hotline toll free at


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