School Programming
Educational Programming for children and adolescents utilizes role-plays, lecture, workbooks, handouts, group discussion and visual aides.
To schedule a program, contact the:
Education and Marketing Coordinator
(570)784-6632 or

Pre-School Programming
Stranger Safety, Touch Safety, Anti-Bullying, and Self-Esteem
Each of these programs is 20-30 minutes depending on the attention span of the group. Each program includes a 20-minute puppet show and coloring sheets so kids can practice their safety rules, “No, Go, and Tell” even after the program has ended.
(Recommended for children ages 4-5 years old)
Elementary Programming
Safe Keeping Sr. (2 programs available): Safety and Touch Safety.
Both programs utilize interactive discussion, supporting activity book and video to help children learn stranger and touch safety. Program length is 30-40 mins. (Recommended for grades 3-5)
Anti-Bullying Program
This program includes puppet shows, role-plays and activity booklet. (Recommended for K-2nd grade). Program involves classroom discussion, role-plays, and activity booklet. (Recommended for grades 3 –5). Both programs stress healthy interpersonal relationships among children. Teaches basic safety rules to bullying, teasing and other interpersonal conflicts among students. Complimentary program available for educators.
Self-Esteem Program (Grades K-5)
This program includes puppet shows, role-plays and activity booklet. (Recommended for K-2nd grade). Utilizes current trends and celebrity visual aids to discuss unrealistic images of beauty and celebrate the diversity of ourselves and peers. The program strives to help children embrace the natural beauty within themselves through interactive activities and discussion. Program length 40 minutes.
Internet Safety Program (Grades K-5)
This program uses a fun, interactive cartoon-animated Power Point presentation where Netsmartz friends teach children ways to stay safe while surfing the Internet. The program focuses on teaching children to keep their identity private while using the Internet and also teaches safety rules they can use if they encounter strangers while on the Internet. Program length is 40 minutes.
Weird Series
Three-part book series that includes true-to-life stories of bullying told from all perspectives: the role of the target, the bystander, and the person doing the bullying. Includes story, handouts, and interactive activities.
We Care for Kids
The goal for care for kids is to prevent childhood sexual abuse through health education. It aims to achieve the following outcomes: self-esteem, respect for self and others, rewarding human relationships, and avoidance of sexual coercion. Care for kids promotes open, respectful communication between adults and children and an increased comfort on the part of adults in dealing with sexuality issues. The curriculum is approved by the PA Department of Education and the target age group is 3-8 years old.

Middle & High School Programming
Can be tailored to meet the time requirements of your educational setting, each program is flexible to meet the needs of your age group.
Dating Safety
Teaches teens to recognize dating violence, rights in a relationship and safety options.
Healthy Relationships
Presents information on sexual assault, power and control, awareness of date rape drug issues, healthy relationships and safety measures.
Self-Esteem Program
Utilizes current trends and celebrity visual aids to discuss unrealistic images of beauty and celebrate the diversity of ourselves and peers. The program strives to help students gain self- esteem through interactive activities and discussion.
Internet Safety Program
This program will include information about how to avoid possible dangers online. Topics include posting private information on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter along with, text messaging and cyberbullying. Students will learn Internet safety strategies through interactive lecture and handouts.
Teens and Bullying
Presents information to students on boundaries, awareness and impact of bullying, teaches safe strategies in response to bullying. Program utilizes classroom discussion, interactive exercises and a video. Programming utilizes classroom discussion, handouts, interactive exercises and a video.
Consent/Sexual Harassment
This program defines sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexting. We also discuss what is consent, how to talk about consent, and clarifying when a person does and does not have consent. Interactive curricula.
Programming can also include climate surveys and hot spot mapping to address school climate and safety.
College Programming
All of our programs are available to sororities, clubs, orientation programs and for the classroom. Including, but not limited to:
- Domestic Violence
- ​Sexual Assault
- Sexual/Street Harassment
- ​Human Trafficking
- ​Healthy Relationships
- ​Internet Safety
- ​Domestic Violence and Healthcare (ideal for Nursing Students)
- ​Protection from Abuse Orders (ideal for Criminal Justice Students)
- Diversity and Inclusion
- ​Working with Transgender Survivors
- ​Broadening Your Approach
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